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Day 3 – Horizons Unlimited Meeting (Day 1)

Total Day: 0.0 km

Total Trip: 713.9

Today was a day off the bike. It was only two days of riding but it was a very cathartic two days for me, and sitting around doing little was what was called for. So that’s sort of precisely what we did. Fortunately, Horizon’s Unlimited had a fantastic program available for us, and we had an easy time filling up the day.

First, though, we had some things to take care of. We were awakened at 5:20 am by a murder of crows, who clearly wanted everyone up so that we could make breakfast for them – cheeky buggers. The campsite is nestled in a copse of trees, which is very nice, but it gives the (true) early birds an opportunity to hang out right over your tent.

After coffee at the campsite, we went to breakfast at the arena, which was bacon, sausages, and pancakes. That was ok, but we paid a lot for it. We then stayed for the GPS talk, which turned ot to be a very deep dive into maps, map reading, map projections, compases, and orienteering – very little about GPS technology. Given that I had extensively planned this trip using maps and paper, I was familiar with all of this, but I was interested in the premise – and the net result was “don’t rely solely on the GPS, it’s not perfect yet”. Which we already knew, didn’t we?

We then went for a leisurely stroll into town for supplies. Nakusp is a lovely, small little village with one main street that you can walk in about 7 minutes each direction. I needed a small squeeze bottle for dish soap, and a bar soap caddy; RRP needed new camp shoes, which he found in the first store. It took me four shops – finally, of course, the dollar store had what I needed. But we also got more beer and snacks, and got some ice again when we got back to the campsite. It was a lovely hot summer’s day in the interior of BC, although there was some smoke haze in the sky. We decided that lunch at the local pub was also in order, so we stopped at the Three Lions Pub where I had a delicious venison burger. Three Lions is an interesting place – at night, it’s totally a “bar” not a pub. The interior during daytime is like a pub, somehow. And the patio, where we sat, was much more a spanish-style patio area than you would think a British pub. However, the food and the weather and the company were all excellent.

We did miss one of the sessions I wanted to attend in the afternoon, but I may have had a nap in my camp chair to make up for that. We had dinner at the arena again (lasagna and salad) and then back to our camp, where we told stories and lies with our new friends until it was time to turn in.

Overall, it was a good restful day, and I for one was definitely appreciative of not having to go anywhere. I was definitely in fully relaxed mode now, and happy to have embarked on this journey, happy to be with my RRP, and happy to be making new friends. Today was a fantastic day of doing absolutely nothing – that’s what holidays are for! An now I was very excited for what lay ahead.

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